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How Our Different Lifestyle Options Can Work for Your Needs

As we age, our bodies undergo changes that may lead to a slower pace and decreased activity levels. This is a common experience for millions of Americans each day. Lifespark Senior Living is committed to supporting seniors in maintaining their independence while ensuring they remain active and receive necessary medical assistance. At Reena, we offer […]

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Activities That Can Help Seniors With Dementia

Caring for a loved one with dementia presents unique challenges, especially when it comes to finding engaging activities. While monitoring their well-being is crucial, it’s equally important to provide them with purposeful and enjoyable experiences. Here are some activities tailored to seniors with dementia: By incorporating these activities into their daily routine, seniors with dementia […]

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Is Dementia Preventable?

As we age, many of us strive to maintain our strength and well-being, but factors like lifestyle choices or family history may put us at risk for Alzheimer’s or dementia. While we wish these memory disorders were entirely preventable, the reality is more complex. However, there are simple strategies that everyone can adopt to significantly […]

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Communication Tips for Caregivers of Seniors with Alzheimer’s

As a caregiver or family member of someone battling Alzheimer’s, feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty are common. However, it’s vital to recognize that you’re not alone in this challenging journey. Numerous resources exist to aid you in navigating the complexities of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s. Here are some valuable tips for caregivers […]

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How to Decide Which Level of Care Your Loved One Needs

Various reasons bring individuals to senior homes, and at Reena Senior Living, one prevalent motive is the pursuit of optimal care and attention for health concerns, shared by both guests and their families. However, diverse health issues necessitate varying treatments, which can influence the lifestyle and accommodation choice within a care facility. Let’s delve into […]

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Finding New Hobbies

Any parent of a child who is stuck indoors during a rainy day knows the continual complaint “what’s there to do!” For those of us who enjoy crafty hobbies, we are equally as familiar with the pleads from our family and friends – “please, no more doilies!”  While the joy of exploring our hobbies can […]

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Bring on the Spring!

Gardening is my happy place.  Give me a plot of dirt, my trowel, and some little seedlings, and I am as happy as a tick on a blue hound!  And though working in the garden is emotionally uplifting, as I age it’s getting a little harder physically. My back gets cramped up.  My knees creak. […]

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